Custom Seats
The Redfish Custom Kayak Seat is built on an order basis and can be individually sculpted to fit any sized paddler and any model of kayak - this seat is in high demand not only amongst the wooden kayak folks but increasingly so with fiberglass, plastic, and carbon/Kevlar kayak owners as well.
It is fashioned from closed cell foam, is extremely light weight, and keeps the paddler's center of gravity low (the kayaker sits 1/2" above the kayak floor).
Unlike most commercially manufactured fiberglass and plastic kayak seats, the Redfish Seat will not absorb water, reduces floodable cockpit volume, and because it is quickly and easily removed, can double as emergency floatation in the event of an emergency.
The integral hip pads comfortably snug you into your cockpit - proper fitting hip pads are essential for effective and effortless leans and Eskimo rolls - and the backrest is form fitting and offers great support when needed.
Every kayak seat is cut to fit each specific model of kayak - this is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach and a seat built to fit model "A" kayak will not fit model "B" kayak etc.
The recommended seatback height is 9" or to the top of the coaming at the rear of the cockpit opening - whichever is lower. However, this measurement can be modified to whatever the new owner specifies.
The cost for a custom kayak seat is $255 plus shipping